The ancestors of Claas Nendel

The family tree described here is mainly based on the genealogical research work of my great grandfather Gustav Arnold Nendel (1863-1935). He was travelling between 1931 and 1935 through the Ore Mountains, Lower Silesia and the Upper Lausitz and was able to trace back his family history to the year 1678. The research material containing a large number of copies made from documents, church books and court records had to be left back in the train station of Neubrandenburg when the family fled from the approaching russian army in May 1945. Only the central document with the summary of the results was saved. Part of the precious material is irretrievably lost, since during Word War II and in the following years a considerable number of the sources were destroyed.

The genealogy of the carpenter family Griesenberg of Ahrensburg, Holstein, was investigated by a genealogist by order of the family also before World War II. The documents in the form of several family trees survived time in the business papers of the workshop at Rondeel in Ahrensburg.

The data of the Löcher family of the Rhineland and the Rijneke family of Rotterdam were collected by Helmut Adolf Heinz Löcher (1911-2002).

Further data and amendments to existing investigations have been added by myself in the course of the years. The research work is far away of being terminated. The current list of my ancestors can be accessed here.